
MultiScan SDK installation guide for iOS and Android distribution.
The latest version of MultiScan SDK is "23.11"


Distribution of AHI MultiScan SDK is available through both CocoaPods and Swift Package Manager distribution services.

NOTE: Add camera usage description to the app Info.plist:

Swift Package Manager

Add the following git repos to the app project in Xcode:

Add or remove FaceScan, FingerScan, and BodyScan depending on what scan technologies are used by your application.

NOTE: Add the following linker flag to the project: -all_load. Currently, SPM doesn't yet support libraries to declare custom linker flags like CocoaPods supports.


As AHI is distributed through an access restriction, the following will need to be configured with CocoaPods. Run the following command in Terminal to install the AHI private CocoaPods repository:

pod repo add ahi-private

In the App Podfile, declare the private repository by adding the following lines at the top (this includes the public CocoaPods CDN repository):

source ''
source ''

To add the scans, add the following to your project target in the Podfile file:

    pod 'AHIMultiScan'
    pod 'AHIFaceScan'
    pod 'AHIFingerScan'
    pod 'AHIBodyScan'

Add or remove FaceScan, FingerScan, and BodyScan depending on what scan technologies are used by your application.


AHI SDKs are distributed and managed using Maven and are most easily accessed using Gradle. Therefore, Gradle should be installed to be able to integrate the AHI SDKs into a project.

To access the Maven repository, you will need an Access Key and a Secret Key which you should have received from AHI. Once you have these, we recommend making them available to your build system as Gradle properties. This can be done by adding them to your machine as Environment Variables.

Once environment variables are set add the following lines:

def AWS_ACCESS_KEY = System.getenv("AHI_AWS_ACCESS_KEY") ?: ""
def AWS_SECRET_KEY = System.getenv("AHI_AWS_SECRET_KEY") ?: ""
maven {            
    url 's3://ahi-prod-sdk-builds/android/release'
    credentials(AwsCredentials) {
        accessKey "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY"
        secretKey "$AWS_SECRET_KEY"

to the repositories section within the dependencyResolutionManagement block in your settings.gradle file (Gradle version 7.0 or above)


to the repositories section within the allprojects block in your project level build.gradle file (Gradle version lower than 7.0)

NOTE: Add following options in app level build.gradle to enable view binding and avoid collision among c++ libraries in different SDKs

android {
    buildFeatures {
        viewBinding true
    packagingOptions {
        jniLibs {
            pickFirsts += ['**/*.so']

IMPORTANT: For v23.10 and earlier, it is required to include minifyEnabled false and shrinkResources false in the build.gradle file for release builds to work:
Example shown in Flutter code

buildTypes {
    release {
        // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
        minifyEnabled false
        shrinkResources false

Further down in the app level build.gradle file you will see the dependencies section. Add the following lines to add AHI's maven repos.

def AHISdkVersion = '<VERSION_NUMBER.+>' //e.g. '22.0.+'
implementation "com.advancedhumanimaging.sdk:ahi-sdk-multiscan:$AHISdkVersion"
implementation "com.advancedhumanimaging.sdk:ahi-sdk-facescan:$AHISdkVersion"
implementation "com.advancedhumanimaging.sdk:ahi-sdk-fingerscan:$AHISdkVersion"
implementation "com.advancedhumanimaging.sdk:ahi-sdk-bodyscan:$AHISdkVersion"

Add or remove FaceScan, FingerScan, and BodyScan depending on what scan technologies are used by your application.