Is AHI a B2B or B2C company?

AHI is a business-to-business company (B2B). Not business-to-consumer (B2C).

AHI is a business-to-business (B2B) company that provides partners with Software Development Kits (SDKs), Turnkey SDKs, White-Label Applications, and multi-Tenant Applications to offer AHI's various scans and assessments to users. Partners integrate AHI's SDKs or Turnkey SDK into their own applications or can utilize AHI's products via a White-Label Application.

AHI also has a public-facing "AHI app" available on the iOS and Android marketplace, it operates as a multi-Tenant Application, meaning businesses can provide users access to the app via an access code. It's important to note that AHI does not sell public access to the AHI app.