What are the benefits of BodyScan compared to traditional methods?

BodyScan is a building block for scalable healthcare solutions.

BodyScan is a non-intrusive and contactless form of capturing body composition, body circumferences, and health risk indicators. This technology does not require Users to purchase or connect new hardware and is accessible on a smartphone.  

BodyScan is a building block for scalable healthcare solutions. Giving healthcare organizations an accurate and reliable remote monitoring capability via a device already widely adopted - the smartphone.

BodyScan has the potential to be a cost-reducing tool regarding hardware within organizations across multiple industries. Traditional body composition technologies and equipment (3D scanners, DEXA and MRI, and BIA machines) bring high costs associated with them; rent or purchase costs, regular calibration and servicing, and require human intervention to operate.  

BodyScan can be used at home or as a pre-appointment tool to help increase the amount of time physicians or organizations spend working with people on positive health outcomes.